Sunday, March 28, 2010


Bookmarking Demon Review

If you ever had to promote a website then you know how tedious and tiresome it could be. The main way to promote a website is through social bookmarking sites. The only thing wrong with trying to promote a website is that the process generally requires you to manually set up an account for each website and then you have to manually put in the website address, keywords, along with the web site's tags for each website that you desire to promote. if you have ever been through the process you would know that trying to promote a website is extremely time consuming. In order to promote your website in a timely manner, automation is needed. Using automation requires technological savvy so that your bookmarks do not appear to be spam. There isn't many bookmarking automation software out there that will produce the results you want without your inks being labeled spam. Now, thanks to a man named Edwin Brian, there has been a new software created that takes away the dilemma of promoting websites through social bookmarking sites and reduces the risk of spam.

Edwin Brian created BookmarkingDemon, which is a new social bookmarking automation software, designed to promote websites through social bookmarking sites.

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

A social bookmarking site is a site that categorizes and store bookmark links. The reason why these sites are so important is that millions of people visit these sites everyday to search for information. Visitors can look up your site depending on your websites keywords and tags. The main secret of social bookmarking sites is that it generates traffic to your website by sharing links. There are major benefits of using a social bookmarking site, one of the benefits happen to be that you will have more targeted traffic, meaning that those most interested in the information located on your website will be the ones most likely to visit your site. Another benefit is faster search engine indexing. Using a social bookmarking site also helps your site receive a higher search engine ranking.

I used to spend countless hours sitting in front of my computer screen trying to find social bookmarking sites and doing continuous link building in order to promote my website. i used to spend a total of a whole week just to submit my link to a handful of social bookmarking websites. The reason why it took me so long to submit my link to these websites was because with each and every site that I went to I had to create an account with that website in order to just submit my link. With each account that I created, I had to have a user name and password plus many sites will only allow you to promote a link once. With so many accounts, it can be pretty difficult to keep all of that detailed information in order. It is extremely frustrating to try to complete the task of website promoting when the process is so time consuming. Thanks to BookmarkingDemon the normal time consumption it takes to promote a website is now obsolete. no other bookmarking automation software compares to BookmarkingDemon. BookmarkingDemon generates an unlimited supply of back links and laser targeted traffic from major bookmarking sites all within a matter of minutes on autopilot!

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

There is other social bookmarking software out there, but they all present major problems in the task of promoting websites. First of all, most social bookmarking tools are designed to spam websites in which they create multiple accounts too promote one website address which in turn will cause the bookmarking sites to delete all accounts associated with that designated web address! Next, some software is very limited and only designed for specific sites. Next, many social bookmarking software is overpriced with high monthly fees to use their services! Last of all, many have duplicate content problems meaning that most sites will ignore your bookmark links.

BookmarkingDemon is the best social bookmarking software because it allows you to switch up your user names, so that you will create a little online footprint. BookmarkingDemon allows its users to mix up its social bookmarking links along with unrelated links to make it look more legit, and it also allows users to randomize their details and use different IP addresses.

BookmarkingDemon also allows users to bookmark over one hundred social bookmarking sites. It also has a visual aid using Decaptcher. Also, with BookmarkingDemon your sites are less likely to be deleted as spam, and also BookmarkingDemon remains to be updated frequently while you have access to all of the free updates!

Many social bookmarking software are blackhat tactics. Meaning that they use tactics that are short term and usually all about the volume that it can generate. On the other hand BookmarkingDemon is a whitehat tactic, meaning that, the process it uses is long term and normally allows your site to remain on the social bookmarking website longer and allows your website to have a higher rank in search engines.

A satisfied customer named Sam Kern states that BookmarkingDemon " the most powerful and cost effective social tagging software on the market. It puts tag and ping on full autopilot resulting in higher back links, rapid indexing and search engine ranking."

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

what sets BookmarkingDemon apart from the other software is that BookmarkingDemon is constantly being revised and upgraded such as the new version of BookmarkingDemon which is BookmarkingDemon Version 5, where you can create up to one hundred accounts with different social bookmarking sites instantly! You can even register different user names to your accounts and can even randomize your user names and passwords with the brand new randomization button! Not only that, but BookmarkingDemon is the only social bookmarking software that comes with a visual scheduler, where you can submit and drop your bookmarks amongst different days of the week. With BookmarkingDemon you can even store multiple accounts at each social bookmarking site. BookmarkingDemon allows the user to even add their own choice of Scuttle, ScuttlePlus, or Pligg social bookmarking sites!

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

BookmarkingDemon also allows you to bookmark your URLs automatically. BookmarkingDemon allows the user to randomize titles by entering many titles and then dividing them by a coma and then BookmarkingDemon will automatically choose a title from the list that you created. BookmarkingDemon randomizes descriptions, you simply enter in descriptions and separate them by a break (#) and BookmarkingDemon will randomly choose a description fro your collection. Lastly, BookmarkingDemon even randomizes tags which the software will input a percentage of your tag descriptions. With these incredible randomization features that BookmarkingDemon offers it greatly reduces the issue of having duplicate content.

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

BookmarkingDemon has many specialized features, but one of the best features would have to be BookmarkingDemon's automatic email verification system. You can verify all of your bookmarking accounts with this system! Other features include the domain crawler, in which BookmarkingDemon will crawl all links from the URL you enter up to ten levels of depth and nine hundred and ninety nine pages. More benefits are that BookamrkingDemon comes with a Ping Servers Checker. Even more you can create multiple projects for different campaigns, and BookmarkingDemon even allows you to camouflage with RSS feeds. BookmarkingDemon is also set up for easy use with Novice and Expert settings. Most importantly is the BookmarkingDemon's remarkable randomization settings ensure that all of your bookmarking accounts are not identical.

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

Another reason why BookmarkingDemon stands above the rest is because BookmarkingDemon is the only bookmark submission tool to implement an Anti-Bot mechanism that supports submission throttling. It is the only tool that simulates human submission speed that reduces the chance of getting accounts banned.

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

Other features include faster bookmarking with multi threading and random timing. This feature allows you to set timing of your bookmarking in order to make your bookmarking more human like. BookmarkingDemon also has a Proxy server which enables you to create more accounts.

BookmarkingDemon's website offers free videos and reports at:

The fair market value of BookmarkingDemon is retailed at $197 with a recurring monthly fee of $47 per month. Compare that to other similar software that retails for $297 with a recurring monthly fee of $64 per month. But now, for a limited time only you can get a copy of BookmarkingDemon for only an one time investment fee of $147 and you will not be charged a monthly fee or any other incurring costs such as updates and yo will get regular updates for free, unlike other social bookmarking software, BookmarkingDemon is by far the best value for your investment.

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

An user of Bookmarkingdemon named Vincent Tan states that BookmarkingDemon "Automates tagging and saves hours!" "It can register massive amounts of accounts with social bookmarking sites and then, here's the sweetness, automatically tag your sites to these accounts!" That's not the only satisfied customer of BookmarkingDemon, Palyn Peterson exclaims, "It's a really great tool!" Vincent Molelekwa is one happy customer that states that BookmarkingDemon is more than just hype but actually praises the product by stating, "I am one happy customer. I only wish you knew how honesty and commitment to your promise has meant to me. Long live BookmarkingDemon."

BookmarkingDemon is software that is well thought out, well organized, and intuitive. It generates up to ten times more traffic to your website and is generally easy to use!

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

No other software compares to Bookmarkingdemon's randomization power and you can even set your own customization level.

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:

If you purchase BookmarkingDemon today you will receive a free bonus the brand new social bookmarking strategy guide, to help assist you in your campaign to make money online. Learn how to get paid to review products online:

The BookmarkingDemon Ultimate Guide is a free e-book that has a value of $97. In it you will learn many different social bookmarking strategies and Edwin Brian's linking secret.

BookamarkingDemon comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. You can try BookmarkingDemon out for sixty days and if you are not satisfied you will be refunded you investment in full and get to keep the bonus for free! The purchase of BookmaarkingDemon is absolutely risk free so try it out!

You can earn more adsense money by getting more adsense clicks because you will laser targeted traffic and will in return receive more organic search traffic. You will receive more affiliate commisions by sending ultra targeted traffic to your affiliates' page! last but not least, you will be able to sell more products by purchasing BookmarkingDemon today!

With BookmarkingDemon you can focus more of your time and energy to your business by spending less time manually promoting your website with the old time consuming way of promoting your sites to social bookmarking sites and generate more income with more adsense clicks!

BookmarkingDemon is and amazing asset in the website promoting process. It saves you hours of time bookmarking and generates more traffic to your website than you could generate by manually promoting them yourself.

BookmarkingDemon is a great tool to drive traffic as well as back links to blog posts. states that "It's a blogs' dream come true."

In conclusion, BookmarkingDemon is a great tool because it drives laser targeted traffic to your sites automatically, there is no monthly fee and you get free updates, and plus with your purchase you will receive instant access to your free bonus the BookmarkingDemon's Ultimate Guide. Plus if you purchase BoomarkingDemon today you will pay only the special offer price of only $147 rather than the retail price of $197 and the recurring monthly fee of $47 thereafter, you just pay a onetime fee of only $147! Plus you will receive your 100% Money Back Guarantee for sixty day absolutely risk free!

Start generating traffic to your site today!

Get your copy of BookmarkingDemon at:


  1. I am mansi, I am also a web designer and I like your blog too much the colors and themes are really nice.
    Bookmarking or social Bookmarking is one the most important pillars for SEO.
    Bookmarking Demon is one of first automated solutions for link building to be launched to the world. The simple fact that Bookmarking Demon is still going strong
    Do visit my blog bookmarking demon

  2. I am vikash, I am also a web designer and I like your blog too much the colors and themes are really nice.
    I came across this compelling social bookmarking tool, bookmarking demon, and was flabbergasted by its efficacy in driving hordes of quality leads to my site.
    The software has added distinctive character to social tagging and has established itself as an authority for non-spamming and non-abusive top notch social bookmarking submission service.
    Do visit my blog bookmarking demon
